Tips for Developing A Growth Mindset

Are you searching for some Tips to Develop A Growth Mindset to create a significant improvement in your abilities at work, during studies, and...

Understanding Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

When the body's immune system starts attacking on protective coverings of nerve fibers, called Myelin sheath, causing damage, scarring, and inflammation in nerves, it...

Power Naps: A Complete Guide to Get More Shut-Eye

Understanding Power Naps “ I am going to shut my eyes for a few seconds.” Do you sneak in ever, when no one is looking?...

The 5 Koshas and Their Meanings in Eastern Philosophy

“Kosha” means casing, and belongs to the Sanskrit language. It gives the concept of layers of the human body. According to Vedantic Philosophy, it...

7 Ways to Get More Natural Light and Its Health Benefits

Do you know, there was a time when people performed all light-needed activities during the daytime? It was the 18th century when Natural Light...

Understanding Your Circadian Rhythm: A Comprehensive Guide

Do you know about your sleep-wake cycle? It is called Circadian Cycle but it is not only related to sleep-awake cycle but also regulates...

7 Mood Booster Strategies That Don’t Cost a Thing

Feeling exhausted? Have lost interest in life activities? Have feelings of disappointment due to a sudden shock or a breakup? Are these down feelings...

Why Do I Feel Tired After Eating?

Have you ever felt a sudden drowsy feeling that sneaks in after a hearty meal? This is not only with you, many people experience...

Effects of Anxiety on the Body

Anxiety is the end of your carefree and happy life. Most people experience an anxiety phase in life from time to time but in...

Benefits of Having A Beard

Are you in a Dilemma to have a beard or not? Do you want to remove your confusion about the loses and benefits of...

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