A mental disorder with adverse effects on mood behavior and thoughts. People who develop Schizoaffective disorder may have symptoms of mania, depression, psychosis and anxiety. So it’s a point to ponder that some environmental factors such as stress and genetic susceptibility are some reasons to trigger Schizoaffective Disorder.Â
Introduction to Schizoaffective Disorder
Schizoaffective Disorder has two types named as Bipolar and Depressive. We are going to discuss Schizoaffective disorder Bipolar Type, although it is not common but is very complicated to understand and has most hazardous effects on the affected person. People used to treat this disorder with the drugs containing some harmful chemicals which are actually not useful for the treatment but increase the dependency.Â
Defining Schizoaffective Disorder: Schizoaffective Disorder is a serious mental illness caused by Schizophrenia and followed by the symptoms of mood disorders and anxiety. Mania and depression are also its hazardous impacts.
Types of Schizoaffective Disorder: Schizoaffective disorder is actually directly linked with the function of the nervous system and affects the working of neurons and neurotransmitters. It is also characterized by hallucinations and delusions. There are two main types of Schizoaffective disorder.Bipolar Type: This type is characterized by the frequent occurrence of mania or hypo mania along with the symptoms of racing thoughts, impulsive behavior and irritable thoughts.These episodes of anxiety are followed by the feelings of hopelessness, fatigue, change in sleep patterns and loss of appetite.
Depressive Type: This type of Schizoaffective Disorder is characterized by the feelings of hallucinations, delusions , over dispersed thinking.
The point of discussion is to understand the causes and factors which contribute to make a person ill mentally. To understand these factors one article is not enough. So in this article we will overview all the causes, symptoms and remedies or precautionary measures related to Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar Type.
Prevalence and Risk Factors
According to studies nearly 0.3 % of the population in the USA is affected by this disorder but the rate of Schizoaffective Disorder is much lower than that of Schizophrenia or simple bipolar disorder.Prevalence of Bipolar Type Schizoaffective Disorder: Although the prevalence of this disorder is not so high but it is prevailing with the passage of time due to many risk factors that directly affect the nervous system of a person. To control the prevalence of this disorder the interplay of genetic, biological, psychological and environmental factors must be minimized. Let’s discuss some important risk factors of schizoaffective disorder bipolar type!
Risk Factors and Causes:Â
- Genetics: It is the major cause of developing the chances of getting this disorder, the persons having their first-degree relatives i.e. parents or siblings with this disorder are more likely to be affected by this disorder.
- Environmental Factors: Poverty, social downfall, unhygienic surroundings, parental exposure to anxiety or birth complications are some environmental factors which enhance the chances of getting Schizoaffective.
- Stress and Anxiety: Traumatic and stressful events increase the risk of developing symptoms of Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar Type. Childhood or adolescence trauma may trigger the onset of this disorder.
- Substance Abuse: Psychoactive substances or drugs like hallucinogens, cannabis, cocaine or morphine can cause the onset or development of risk factors for this disorder. These substances also enhance the negative impacts of environmental and genetic risk factors.
Clinical Presentation and Diagnosis
When you discuss the clinical presentation of Schizoaffective Disorder, you should understand the comprehensive assessment of its symptoms, duration and functional impairment. Complete diagnosis and treatment procedures are also important for optimizing and improvement in the patient.
Clinical Presentation of Bipolar Type Schizoaffective Disorder
Mood Episodes: Mood swings in bipolar disorder are most prominent. Sadness, impulsivity, depression, loss of happiness or elevated aggression are mood changes which are observed in the patients of the said disorder.
Psychotic Symptoms: Schizoaffective Disorder induces the feelings of perceiving things or events that are not real and the individuals with this disorder used to hold false beliefs which make them unbearable for the society.
Functional Impairment: The individuals with this disorder lose interest in their daily chores and mostly can’t concentrate on their working relationships and routine matters.
Diagnostic ProcessDiagnostic Criteria: It is obvious that diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar Type will be done only for the individuals experiencing the sudden mood changes, increased energy level, continuous illness concurrent with drastic mania or depression.
Assessment and Evaluation: Usually diagnostic evaluation for this disorder is started by complete study of family history, illness history, history of mental instability and history of medication. This is necessary for comprehensive psychiatric evaluation.
Differential Diagnosis: Generally Schizoaffective Disorder is confused with some other mental disorders due to some similarities among their symptoms but to accurately diagnose Schizoaffective Disorder, it is essential to differentiate it from simple mental stress, bipolar alone or depressive disorder.
Collateral Information: For calculating the actual causes of Schizoaffective Disorder, information collected from caretakers, family members or friends are considered very helpful. This information provides context for diagnosis.
Treatment and Management
The combination of psychotherapy, psycho-social interventions and medication is the typical way of treatment and management of Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar Type.
Multi-modal Treatment Approach
Individuals living with this mental disorder deadly need a multidisciplinary approach with the collaboration between psychiatric, social worker, health care professionals and therapists. Individuals having this challenging disorder have the right to be treated with care and intense observation for their recovery. There are some multi-modal treatments and management methodologies for treating this disorder.
Medication Management: Medication is the best way to relieve this disorder because medicines have some chemicals that interact with neurotransmitters to minimize the psychotic symptoms and help in mood stabilization.
Mood Stabilizer: If you frequently observe symptoms of Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar Type in your body, you must try some mood stabilizers for a few weeks to activate their action on your nervous system. Medicines containing Lithium are mostly used to stabilize mood in bipolar patients.
Psychotherapy: Anti-psychotics are used to overcome the hallucinations and delusions caused by schizoaffective disorder. In this regard, the Food and Drug Administration specifically prescribed a drug named Invega for treatment of this mental illness. Some other medications are also sold as off-label to treat this disorder i.e. Haloperidol, Clozapine and Olanzapine.
Lifestyle Modifications: Modification in your lifestyle will work as a complement with medications and psychotic therapy and help in the well being of the mental state. Some beneficial lifestyle modifications are jotted below;Physical Activity: Involvement in some workout on a daily basis may help you to stabilize your mood and to keep your thoughts concentrated. Stretching of muscles uses your extra energy and maintains the energy balance in your body. You can add walking, jumping, jogging and dancing to your daily workout plans as mild physical activities.
- Healthy Diet: Eating fresh vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, lean proteins and whole grain is not only good for your overall health but also plays a positive role in your brain health. Moreover, avoiding caffeine, alcohol and carbonated drinks may lessen the risk factor of Schizoaffective Disorder.
- Adequate Sleep: Peaceful and regular sleep routine makes your nerves strong and minimizes stress. Daily 7-8 hours of sleep at night is crucial for brain health. So make your bedroom environment calm and conducive for establishing a regular sleep schedule.
- Limiting Stimulus: Reduce your screen time, avoid over-crowded places and save yourself from stressful situations because all these are stimuli to trigger Schizoaffective symptoms in you.
- Engaging in Useful Activities: Keep yourself busy in achieving a meaningful task to direct your thoughts towards a positive approach. These activities may include education, social work, workout goals or creative pursuits.
 Supportive Services and Resources
Quality of life depends on the resources we have to raise our life standard but for the individuals with Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar Type, supportive services and resources are more important because these persons need these resources to manage this disorder and improve quality of life. We are going to enlist some supportive services to help the patients with this challenging disorder.Community Support: Community healthcare professionals and peer support specialists can play a vital role to provide medication management, therapy, case management, empathy and practical support to the people affected by this disorder.
Education and Advocacy: Spreading awareness about the causes and symptoms of Schizoaffective Disorder among the people and educating them to treat this serious mental illness in time to save quality of life is an effective supportive service.Â
Rehabilitation Programs: Establishing rehabilitation centers for the individuals with this disorder is the better resource to assist them and providing them employment on a serious basis will develop a sense of responsibility in them. So provide such resources to the patients so that they may get rid of the mental disorder.
Crisis Intervention Service: During the period of severe depression or distress, crisis intervention services can help the individuals having Schizoaffective Disorder by supporting them in different ways.
Housing Support: If you have any symptoms of Schizoaffective Disorder, try to stay at a house located in a peaceful and comfortable area to avoid noise or crowd because a safe living environment provides stability to mental health.
Prognosis and Outlook
Factors such as severity of symptoms, co-occurring situations, continuity in treatment and social support affect sharply on Prognosis and outlook for the individuals with Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar Type. Here are some salient points relevant to this phenomenon.Â
Long-Term Outlook
Monitoring the prognosis and outlook for the individuals with Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar Type, on a long term basis by mental health professionals is an important step for tracking the treatment progression, symptoms evaluation and keeping strict check on emerging challenges. Tailoring treatments and optimizing outcomes may involve managing different types of therapy, adjusting medication and exploring different ways to progress.
Disease Course and Progression: Intensity of this disorder varies among the people. So the progression of symptoms of mania or hypo-mania or depressive moods manifests with fluctuations but if the symptoms remain persistent, may lead to functional impairment in various aspects of life. Some people experience stable periods of episodes while others face chronic conditions. Therefore, consistent treatment and continuous monitoring are crucial in rehabilitation procedures.
Management of Chronicity: The chronicity of this disease can be managed with the combination of pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy. These therapies are crucial to address harshness of mood and psychotic symptoms.
As a takeaway of this article, it is correct analysis about Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar Type, that it is a complex and complicated clinical picture of frequent disturbance in mood and peace of mind followed by the interruption in cognitive ability but in spite of all these challenging symptoms, individuals with this disorder can spend a better life by adopting some healthy changes in lifestyle, eating habits and living habits.
Promoting Understanding and Support: The management of Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar Type needs a comprehensive understanding about it and then provision of support to the victim. Early diagnosis and intervention can be helpful in preventing the symptoms of disorder. By navigating the course of disorder may be arduous with periods of stability interspersed with relapses. Always stay connected to your doctor and discuss every improvement or irritation caused by the medications.Encouraging Open Dialogue: Additionally, providing a supportive surroundings around the patient i.e. family members, friends, community persons and healthcare professionals, will surely enhance the ability of the patient to cope with the emerging symptoms of disorder. By attaining attention and support the patients may be encouraged to achieve mental and personal stability as well as pursue their goals and live a standard life.
Advocating for Mental Health: It is a social responsibility to enhance the opportunities of raising awareness, reducing stigma, promoting access to resources for the people affected by Schizoaffective Disorder. People with mental disorders must search for a culture of acceptance, where they can speak boldly about their fears and dilemmas. This practice will help them to make conversation about their issue comfortably and openly. Anti-bullying campaigns and mental health education must be part of school education. These steps are just perfect for the advocacy of mental health perseverance. Health organizations should work with the students to spread awareness and for advocating the people to make mental health the first priority of society.