High Carb Foods That Are Incredibly Healthful

High Carb Foods are macro-nutrients you need as an essential component of your diet in large quantities daily. Carbohydrates provide excellent health benefits including crucial fuel for the body required to function efficiently. The carb foods are of three types:Starches: Carbohydrates are found in oats, dried beans, potatoes, corn, and wheat in the form of starch.

Sugars: Carbohydrates are also found in the form of sugars. Its reservoirs are milk, cakes, bread, fruits, and soda.

Fibers: Fibers are also a form of carbohydrates. It is found in indigestible parts of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.

This blog article will introduce high-carb foods that can do much for your health. 

How Many Carbs Do You Need Each Day?

Your age, sex, and activity level decide the amount of carbs you need each day. You should take carbs in enough quantity that can make up around 50 to 60% of your total calorie intake. A general comparative detail for the required amount of carbs on each day is jotted below:

  • An active woman needs 2000 to 2200 calories per day from carbs.
  • A moderately active woman needs 1500 to 2500 calories per day from carbs.
  • A sedentary woman needs 1200 to 2000 calories per day from carbs.
  • An active man needs 2500 to 3500 calories per month from carbs.
  • A moderately active man needs 2000 to 3000 calories per day from carbs.
  • A sedentary man needs 1500 to 2200 calories per day from carbs.

Now you should understand the terms active, moderately active, and sedentary. Let’s do it!

  • Active lifestyle refers to a lifestyle including strenuous activities like walking at least three miles per day along with independent living activities.
  • Moderately active indicates a lifestyle that includes physical activity like walking about 2 to 3 miles per day along with independent living activities.
  • While a sedentary lifestyle means performing physical activities of independent living only.

Your daily calorie intake must be under 250 grams if you are living a moderate lifestyle. You can adjust the amount of carbs required per day according to your per-day calorie requirements. Sugar is naturally found in natural foods but sometimes you use added sugar that is not found in natural foods. Maintaining the amount of added sugar is linked with carbohydrate intake because added sugars are part of your daily carbohydrate intake. 

How to Add High Carb Foods in Your Diet?

Risk of High-Carb Diet: Lack of physical activities, obesity, and chronic diseases increase with the increase in consumption of high-carb food. However, the quality of carbohydrates plays a more crucial role than their quantity. You should pay attention to your requirement of calorie intake while choosing carbs for you. Cookies, ice-creams, and cakes are carbohydrates but fruits, vegetables, and chickpeas are also categorized as carbohydrates. Now it’s up to you what is a better choice for your health.

Risks of Processed Foods: Processed grains and added sugars are processed carbs. These foods increase the risks of fatal diseases including, cancers, heart issues, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and obesity. During the processing of grains, many healthy nutrients like fibers are removed to make them have a longer shelf life. But these carbs have lost their nutrition. White rice, crackers, cakes, and white bread are processed carbs.

What are Healthful High Carb Foods?

Healthful high carbs are those carbohydrates that control your weight and blood sugar levels. Processed foods and foods with added sugars spike your blood sugar levels while unprocessed or natural foods including whole fruits, non-starchy vegetables, whole grains, and legumes don’t make your blood sugar levels rise as they contain minerals, fibers, and vitamins. These good healthful carbs are also known as complex carbohydrates.

All good high carb foods help you increase the carbohydrate content in your daily diet. A nutritionally balanced diet rich in whole food can promote your overall health. Various sources of healthful, whole foods carbohydrates include:

  • Mangoes.
  • Bananas.
  • Dates.
  • Sweet potatoes.
  • Beetroot.
  • Corn.
  • Quinoa.
  • Oats.
  • Brown rice.
  • Kidney beans.
  • Raisins.

High Carbs Foods as Vegetables

High Carb Vegetables
High Carb Vegetables

You can boost carbohydrate content of your meal by adding these healthful high carbs into your daily diet.

Sweet Potatoes

This vegetable is a delicious choice to add to a range of meals. A 200-gram sweet potato with skin has 39.9 g of carbohydrates. These are rich in vitamins A and C and potassium. A 2017 study showed that purple sweet potato contains carbohydrates that have anti-tumor and antioxidant properties.


Beets or beet roots are purple-colored root vegetables that can be eaten either in raw form or cooked. A cup of raw beetroot has 14 g of carbohydrates. These contain a large quantity of folate, vitamin A, and calcium. Beets are also rich in naturally occurring nitrates that can benefit heart health.


Corns are delicious and common vegetables that you can enjoy year-round as a side dish in the salad or on the cob. 100 grams of corn contains 19.5 grams of carbohydrates and 3.15 grams of protein. It is also full of vitamin C.

High Carb Whole Grains

High Carb Whole Grains
High Carb Whole Grains

Whole grains or pseudo grains, known as leaves of broad-leaf plants are good sources of carbohydrates. They provide you with a variety of nutrients including fiber and protein. They are important to maintain your health. Grains are found in various types and are used as the main parts of any meal. You should incorporate high-carb whole grains into your daily meals instead of eating white rice or white bread.


It is a nutritious pseudo-grain. Its preparation and use are similar to other types of grain. They taste like other whole grains. A full cup of cooked quinoa has 41.2 g of carbohydrates and 9.14 grams of protein. It also contains sugar but in a low quantity nearly 1.51 g. It is rich in minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium, and potassium.

Brown Rice

It is eaten as a common side dish and you can use it as an alternative to white rice. One cup of brown rice contains 49.5 grams of carbohydrates. Brown rice also has antioxidant properties.


This is a versatile whole grain with different varieties available in different forms. Oats are found in steel-cut, rolled, and quick oats form. A cup of oats contains 105 grams of carbohydrates, 17.4 grams of fiber, and 25. 6 grams of protein. Research has proved that incorporating oats into your daily diet may save you from cardiovascular diseases and coronary artery diseases. It also improves your heart health.

Healthy High-Carb Fruits

High Carb Fruits
High Carb Fruits

Fresh fruits are a great source of healthful carbohydrates. You can choose the following:


This fruit is easily available and widely used as a convenient snack. One banana contains approximately 27.7 grams of carbohydrates. They are also rich in vitamins A And C and potassium like sweet potatoes. A study has proved that potassium in bananas can promote your heart health and lower blood pressure.\


Apples are found in different kinds all over the world and each kind has its own beneficial nutritional content. According To a 2022 study, an average-sized apple contains approximately 22.6 grams of carbohydrates. It is rich in fiber, potassium, and vitamins A and C. Experiments carried through older women and results showed that apples can reduce mortality including cancer mortality.


These are delicious and sweet trivial fruits. Almost Liked by all. A cup of chopped mangoes contains 23.7 grams of carbohydrates. These are also rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibers.

Dried Fruits Rich in CarbohydratesMany dried fruits are rich in healthful carbs. Eating these dried fruits can help you achieve your daily carbohydrate needs. However, avoid using processed dried fruits or dried fruit products because they contain added sugars to increase the sweetness. Always check the label for added sugar before buying dried fruits. If you are fond of eating dried fruits, prioritize minimally processed dried fruits. Naturally found dried fruits are always the best option for all because you can eat them alone as a snack. So take a look here!


Dates are found in many varieties. They are so sweet that you can use them as a sweet snack to regain your energy levels during the day. People also use it as dessert. One pitted date contains approximately 16 grams of carbohydrates. Dates are rich in phosphorus, potassium, and fiber.


Dried grapes are called raisins and work as a stand-alone snack for you. You can enhance the flavor of yogurt, salads, cereal bars, and granola by adding raisins. a cup of raisins is packed with 120 grams of carbohydrates. These are full of magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Raisins are also effective antioxidants. That’s why they can slow the damage to cells from free radicals.

Pulses Rich in Carbohydrates

Beans and lentils are categorized as pulses. They are rich in carbohydrates, fiber, and protein. They help you to feel fuller for longer and are a great addition to your diet. Use the following healthful high-carb pulses to maintain your health.

Kidney Beans

These beans belong to the legumes family and are the most common type of beans. You can add them to your diet to get fiber and protein along with carbohydrates. You can get 35 grams of carbohydrates from one cup of boiled beans. Kidney beans are rich in iron and potassium. They help prevent inflammation in the colon. White or dark both types are healthful. 

Garbanzo Beans

Chickpeas are called garbanzo beans. They also belong to the legume family. These are common ingredients of hummus. You can get 45.9 grams of carbohydrates and 15.5 grams of proteins from one cup of cooked chickpeas. They are full of calcium and fiber.


These are popular high-carb content legumes. Their one cup can give you approximately 38.9 grams of carbohydrates with 16.5 grams of fiber and 19.7 grams of protein. They are also rich in folate, calcium, and phosphorus.

High Carb Foods to Avoid

You should avoid or at least limit refined carbohydrates with no nutritional content. Processed or refined carbohydrates have lost many of their healthful nutritional content. Therefore, their use can damage your overall health. Here is a list of high-carb foods that you should avoid or limit to save yourself from digestive or other health problems.

  • Sweetened yogurt.
  • White rice.
  • Cookies.
  • Candies.
  • Sweetened breakfast cereals.
  • White pasta.
  • White bread. Potato chips.
  • Sweetened flavored juices.
  • Sodas.
  • Drinks containing high fructose corn syrup content.
  • Processed foods.

Effects of Deficiency of High Carb Foods on Your Health

Along with fats and proteins, carbohydrates are the main nutrients that your body needs in large quantities. Normally a balanced diet having all the essential macro and micro-nutrients is the solution to all health conditions. However, some people have a specific type of food intolerance therefore they prefer a low carbohydrate diet due to different circumstances. So here we are discussing, how low is positively or negatively.

Blood Sugar Control: A lower intake of high carbs can help you manage blood sugar levels. People with type 2 diabetes usually eat low-carb content. But people with type 2 diabetes, should talk to their doctor before making any dietary change in their routine.Weight Loss: less intake of carbohydrates can help you in weight loss but it would be short-term. It actually happens due to water loss at the initial stages and then with the passage of time weight loss decreases. So you should talk to your doctor before engaging in any restrictive activity.


High Carb Foods are crucial for overall health and proper functioning of the body. Whenever you come to carbohydrates, whole foods are accompanied by you. While selecting high carbs for you, always avoid processed and refined carbohydrates. Whole foods with high carb content offer you a lot of essential nutrients that are beneficial for your health. You should limit or avoid healthful carbohydrates only with the consultation of your healthcare provider. Excluding essential carbohydrates from your diet may lead to serious health issues. In case of any specific health issue concerning carbohydrates, you should talk to your doctor or a certified dietitian to determine which carbohydrates are right for you.

Hira Shabbir

Hey, I'm Hira shabbir. An experienced content writer who is providing quality SEO content to clients, from the past 2 years. I have been a biology and English teacher from the past 20 years, which gives me an edge in providing quality content.

Hey, I'm Hira shabbir. An experienced content writer who is providing quality SEO content to clients, from the past 2 years. I have been a biology and English teacher from the past 20 years, which gives me an edge in providing quality content.