Are you aware of love languages that could help you strengthen your relationship with your partner? Do you want to find ways to express your love for your partner? Love languages are the special gestures that help you express your feelings for your loved one. If you know the love languages you can identify the lovely emotions of your partner easily.
Five love languages help describe the expression and reception of love in a relationship. Letting your partner know your love language is an effective way to make you both feel appreciated and loved. Now, the important thing is to know how to use these love languages to show your partner that you care for them in a way that speaks to their heart.
The History of the Love Languages
Five ways are devised to show and receive love. These ways were first time published in a book written by a senior associate pastor at Calvary Baptist Church in Carolina, Dr. Gary Champan, in 1992. He wrote this book by observing patterns of love expressions in the couples he was counseling. He discovered that couples were misunderstanding each other’s needs. This discovery led him to come up with five basic languages or expressions that people may use to express their love. However, since then many updated editions of his love language book have appeared that include the different versions of love relationships for military couples, men, and singles.
What are the Five Love Languages?
You can create meaningful connections between you and your partner by learning the love languages. Different examples can explain the live gestures from your loved ones or for your loved ones. For example, this is a great way to take a clean kitchen over flowers on a day when you’d prefer a little romance.
Different people receive and express their love differently, and those differences could be the reason why good feelings and love gestures sometimes get lost in translation. For example, often you spend weeks selecting the perfect gift for your loved one that may properly express your love for them but when the day comes and you represent them the gift they take it and pay no attention. That’s not mean that they are ungrateful but it just means that they express their love in different ways with a different love language.
You can develop more thoughtful connections for a healthy relationship by recognizing how you and your partner like to express and receive love. Your love languages do not need special days for their expression like a Valentine’s Day or birthday celebration. The five love languages are:
- Words of Affirmation
- Acts of Services.
- Quality Time.
- Presenting or Receiving Gifts.
- Physical Touch.
Words of Affirmation
This is the first love language and it is about showing affection and appreciation through your words. It would be in the form of text, written letters, or spoken messages. If you are striving to express your love expressively, this may be one of your effective love languages. Through this language, you may:
- Appreciate your loved one.
- Speak “I love you” often.
- Receive the words of love and appreciation more times.
Using the words of affirmation often can help your loved ones to understand your feelings. If you feel trouble while expressing yourself or your feelings loudly, you can send a text or write a note. No matter what way of expressing a word of affirmation, the important thing is that you acknowledge them through words.So it is the best way to tell your partner that you love them more often or check in in throughout the day to tell them that you’re thinking of them. For your close friend, these words may be “You are a great person” or you can compliment them on their outfit or say good luck before their job interview.
You can use some specific words of affirmation to strengthen your romantic relationship, such as:
- Our relationship is a matter of great concern to me.
- You are gorgeous.
- I love you so much.
- Thank you for spending time with me.
Acts of Service
You must listen that actions always speak louder than words. Yes, expressing your love through your actions is more effective than words in most cases. This love language will resonate if you believe that your hearts are connected with love. You can do selfless and thoughtful things for your loved one to tell them that you need them. These actions should be simple and general. You don’t need to be romantic always. Your act of service can also express your love for your friends, family, or other relationships.
But some acts of services are especially used to show your love language, including:
- You’re the one who can show up for a friend having a bad day.
- You’re on the extremes of happiness when your partner helps you with a chore without asking them for help.
- You’re always excited to do things for your loved one.
You don’t need grand gestures for services but small thoughtful gestures are enough to serve them, such as ironing their clothes, making a coffee for them, picking and dropping them off to and from their workplace, or listening to them carefully when they want to talk.
Some ways to use acts of service to your loved one are:
- Let them select which series or movie to watch.
- Presenting their favorite chocolate, perfume, or flower often.
- Take them for dinner or lunch without it being a special occasion.
Quality Time
This love language is more precious than you think. Spending quality time together is the best way to express or receive true love. If your loved one prefers to spend quality time with you, they are more appreciative because they care for you at a great level. The shop is happy to give you undivided attention with their will. This also confirmed that they care for you more than other things or people.
These are the signs that point out that your love language is quality time:
- You work hard to make it possible to spend time with your loved one.
- You feel restless or worried when you don’t spend enough time with your loved one.
- Your libido is affected by not spending enough time with your partner.
Spending quality time has different meanings for different people. Some people prefer to sit and relax with their partner for a few minutes at the end of the day. While most people take it as spending a lot of time together and enjoying fun activities.
No matter what way you select for quality time, the important thing is being completely present there and free of distractions.
You can express your love through quality time and love language by doing the things jotted below:
- Creating a ritual, like a walk after dinner, or a lunch after a meeting.
- Cuddling together in bed for a few minutes before sleeping or before getting up in the morning.
- Turning off your phone while you’re doing something together or having a conversation.
- Having a date every weekend.
- Despite your busy schedule, go to hang out with your partner.
Presenting and Receiving Gifts
Presenting or receiving gifts is an impressive love language. So it is right to say that this love language should not be reserved for the so-called “gold diggers” or greedy persons. The person whose love language is presenting gifts is the most genuine and is just beyond the desire of wanting the stuff in return. For that person presenting a gift to their loved one is all about that love expression. You don’t need to represent luxury cars or expensive jewelry. Treu Lover just became happy to receive simple gifts.
Some typical signs show your love language in gifting:
- You feel sad when your loved one doesn’t remember your special day and doesn’t present a gift.
- When it’s your turn to present a gift, you take too much time to select the best gift.
- You feel that your partner has given you a precious treasure, even if it is a small bouquet.
This means a small small gift can express your love and receiving a small gift from a person ensures that they are involved in you. The gifts are reminders that you are loved.
If your love language is receiving gifts, these signs would help to elaborate on your love language:
- Selecting a gift that is a personal hint to commemorate a shared event or an inside joke.
- Bringing your loved one a keepsake from the early days of your relationship, such as a picture of enjoying an event.
- Bring their favorite chocolate or snacks on your way home.
- Give them a thoughtful greeting card often.
- Surprise them with flowers or candies.
Physical Touch
This is the last love language but sometimes it is got misunderstood. It should be clear that the physical touch as live language is a consensual and appropriate physical touch that looks different depending on the situation and type of relationship with your friend or loved one.
If you prefer to adopt that love language, you always take it as a special gesture to express and receive love through physical contact. The way you touch each other confirms the nature of your relationship.
Your love language may be physical touch if:
- You consider yourself a “touchy-feely” person.
- You feel sad or lonely when you don’t get physical contact with your partner.
- You feel yourself relaxed and happy when you receive hugs and kisses from your partner.
This is true that the way you touch others tells them the feelings you have for them. Expressing your affection through physical touch can be done through small gestures like snuggling or hugging. You can also add intimate contact like kissing or even sexual activities in this love language but it should be appropriate.
To show your love through physical touch you can:
- Touch your partner when comforting them, like holding your hand on their shoulders or holding them to keep them close to you.
- Cuddling in the bed for some time before and after sleep.
- Kissing your partner to say goodbye.
- Prioritizing your sexual activity, even if you have to schedule it.
- Show your affection often, even if you’re in public.
Last but not least, consent is a must. You should use physical touch as love language only for your partner or friend also want and welcome.
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How to Know: What is your Love Language?
Here are some statements and signs that confirm that someone deeply resonates with you. To check for your love language you may head over to take the 5 love languages test. You can observe the way you show your love. The complaints in a relationship also tell about your love language. Sometimes, the request of your partner on a day-to-day basis confirms their love language.
Thus the one that often resonates with is your love language. Sometimes two or more languages tied for first place and it is commission. In such cases, use the richness of elimination and work your way down the list until you’re left with one or two languages that are not willing to part with.
Some telltale signs may also help you favor one language over the others. So keenly observe how you express your affection and respond to your partner’s affection. To find your love language you can use the love language quiz that was introduced by Champan. Most people go through this quiz to learn about their love language.
Different ways of communicating your affection and love for your friends or loved ones are known as your love language. Love languages play an important role in understanding each other in a better way. However, there’s not a lot of authentic evidence-based research to support the idea of love language in conveying your affection in a relationship but some studies have shown that the basic 5 love languages boost health and satisfaction in relationships.