Moringa: Uses, Health Benefits and Side Effects

Moringa leaves are associated with a range of health benefits. Its advantages include healing wounds speedily and controlling blood sugar levels. But further research is needed. Research suggests that moringa oleifera leaves possess anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Its tree has different names according to the region and benefits it is associated with. Moringa tree has different names in different regions of the world, such as horseradish tree or drumstick tree while people of some regions call this tree an oil tree or miracle tree. However, it is confirmed through research that moringa has been used by people for centuries due to its amazing health benefits. 

In this article, we will go through the journey of finding what moringa is, what benefits are associated with it, and what side effects it can cause.

Nutrient Description in Moringa

Moringa is rich in several essential substances, including:

  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B Complex (B1, B2, B3)
  • Vitamin C

It is free from harmful cholesterol and has a low quantity of fats as well.

Effectiveness and Uses of Moringa

Moringa leaves are used to treat several conditions or relieve pain. Let’s have a look!

Diabetes: although the research is insufficient, researchers still believe that moringa can control diabetes. Studies suggest that a combination of moringa tablets with a specific medicine called sulfonylureas cannot help in controlling blood glucose levels. However, taking this combination in a balanced form can reduce post-meal and fasting blood glucose levels as compared to taking sulfonylureas alone. Studies also show that people taking moringa tablets after meals have improved post-meal blood sugar levels as compared to those who don’t take any medications.

Vitamin A Deficiency: Research doesn’t support the idea that moringa can help improve vitamin A deficiency in humans but some early studies suggest that adding moringa powder to the cereals of infants can be good for making up vitamin A deficiency in them. 

Menopause Symptoms: Research shows that menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and sleep trouble can be relieved by eating fresh moringa leaves by mixing in your food for at least three to four months.

Asthma: Mild or moderate asthma symptoms in adults and young ones can be reduced by taking moringa tablets or powder twice a day for four weeks consistently. It also improves your lung function and lessens the severity of asthma symptoms.

Malnutrition: Moringa leaf powder helps to improve weight in malnourished infants or adults. People suffering from an inability to absorb nutrients can benefit from moringa powder.

HIV/AIDS: An increase in Body mass index (BMI) may help in managing HIV symptoms. Therefore, it is suggested that taking moringa leaves powder with each meal for four months can improve the body mass index. However, there is no research that supports its role in improving immune function.

Breastfeeding: Although many infant formula companies have conducted research on the effects of moringa on breast milk production , the findings are still not enough. However, some research showed that breast milk production can be increased after two weeks of use of moringa. It is also a questionable finding because it doesn’t clear the fact that moringa powder is beneficial when used for longer periods.

Hyperlipidemia: Early research explored that moringa is best for controlling the amount of lipids and higher levels of cholesterol in your blood. However, modern research doesn’t clear the effects of moringa on lowering cholesterol levels. These mixed researches of poor quality show mixed results and need more research.

More health advantages of moringa include relief in:

  • Constipation
  • Headache.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Athlete’s foot.
  • Cancer.
  • Certain infections.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Dandruff.
  • Obesity.
  • Inflammation.
  • Stomach ulcers.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Hyperthyroidism.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Hemophilia.
  • Kidney stones.
  • Wound healing.
  • Warts.
  • Gastritis.

However, more evidence is required to confirm the usability of moringa for these uses.

Benefits of Moringa

Moringa is used as a traditional medicine around the world. Its popular beneficial effects include:

Improvement in Eye Health

Moringa is rich in the antioxidant beta carotene which is a basic requirement for maintaining eye health. It also helps prevent eye diseases. However, this research is not enough to fully understand the effectiveness of moringa in eye health.

Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease and Anemia

Moringa is considered the best remedy for treating anemia in some parts of the world. Studies showed that adding moringa powder to your food or medication can help treat sickle cell anemia. Moringa can help prevent blood diseases due to its antioxidant properties and chelating activity, which help it remove excess iron from blood cells. However, these findings are collected by experiments based on in vitro or animal studies and need to be proved by more extensive clinical trials.

Nourishment and Protection of Hair and Skin

Skin rashes or acne can be healed with this moringa. Several laboratory studies showed that moringa protects the skin by reducing oxidative stress. Hair health experts suggest that moringa seed oil is beneficial for hair health and improves the growth and texture of hair. However, before applying it on human skin or hair, you should look for more evidence.

Prevention of Rheumatoid Arthritis

A study on rodents explains that moringa extract is enriched with anti-inflammatory properties that help prevent rheumatoid arthritis. 

However, the findings are not enough to confirm the effectiveness of moringa on rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatment of Nervous System Disorders and Stabilizing Mood

Moringa has antioxidant properties that make it the right choice for protecting your nervous system from different mental health disorders including multiple sclerosis, depression, anxiety, neuropathic pain, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers are still striving to find out the reality of moringa’s neuroprotective properties. More research is required to prove the effectiveness of moringa for balancing mood swings.

Protection of the Cardiovascular System

Quercetin is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent that is abundantly found in moringa. Quercetin is specialized for removing excessive lipids and reducing inflammation. That’s why moringa is considered the best option to protect cardiovascular health. Moringa is also characterized as a cholesterol-controlling agent.

Treatment of Edema

In case of high inflammation in the body, the body tissues become full of fluid. For example, your ear can be affected by edema when tissues around the ear get swollen due to infection. 

In 2021, an experiment to check the reality of ear edema was performed on mice. Scientists used moringa seed oil to check the effects of the anti-inflammatory properties of moringa on skin inflammation. The results show that moringa seed oil is effective for treating ear edema. However, more research on humans is required.

Protection of Liver

A serious liver condition called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease can be managed with the help of moringa. Moringa contains certain compounds that are useful for treating this condition. One of these special compounds helps reduce fat accumulation in liver cells and activates the proteinaceous enzymes to break down large fat molecules. 

However, the study was conducted on animals and cannot be taken as solid proof. Therefore, researchers are striving to find out the truth about the effects of moringa on liver health.

Treatment and Prevention of Cancer

Niazimicin is a compound that helps suppress the development of cancer cells. This compound is present in moringa in larger quantities. Due to the presence of such compounds, scientists believe that the extract of moringa leaves can be used to kill cancer cells. Scientists are working to find out the reality of this hypothesis. If the hypothesis proves correct, moringa will be used for the treatment of different types of cancer, including liver cancer, breast cancer, or colorectal cancer, in the future.

Treatment of Stomach Problems

Moringa extracts are also useful for treating stomach disorders, such as:

  • Moringa leaves can reduce acid secretions in the stomach and lead to the prevention of peptic ulcers.
  • Its leaves are a good source to prevent ulcerative colitis.
  • The anti-inflammatory properties of moringa help protect the digestive system.
  • Its leaves help prevent colon cancer.
  • Its leaves also have a laxative-effective effect that may help prevent constipation. 

Prevention of Food Borne Bacterial Infections

According to a 2021 study, moringa has chemical compounds that have the ability to fight against food borne pathogens including Escherichia coli (E.coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S.aureus). These bacteria species are abundantly found in some edibles such as in foods that are not cooked well including sandwiches and red meat. Thus causing food poisoning and diarrhea. 

All the research was conducted in a laboratory setting to conclude the effects of moringa on food-borne pathogens. That’s why results are insufficient to prove the effectiveness of moringa on humans. The researchers are striving for further findings.

Reduction in Blood Pressure Spikes

Moringa is also specialized for controlling high blood pressure due to its specific substances. In a recent study, a control experiment was performed involving 150 people. Out of them, 75 participants were subjected to the use of cooked moringa leaves daily for a week while the other group didn’t. Results showed that after eating moringa leaves there was a prominent decrease in blood pressure readings in the participants who used moringa leaves as compared to those who didn’t use them. 

However, medical science needs further human trials to confirm the effectiveness of moringa in managing high blood pressure.

Effects of Moringa on Weight Loss

Research has suggested that moringa leaf extract can help manage the factors causing obesity and weight gain. More benefits of moringa include: the regulation of fat absorption.

  • Protection of the liver.
  • Management of lipids.
  • Support weight loss.
  • Inflammation prevention.
  • Lowering cholesterol levels.
  • Reduction in oxidative stress.
  • Improvement in insulin sensitivity.

However, remember all these researches were conducted on rays and is not true for humans. Therefore, more clinical research is going on to confirm the hypothesis that moringa is a good choice for losing weight.

Side Effects of Moringa Use

A few side effects are associated with moringa. Therefore, talk to your doctor before adding moringa supplements to your diet. Especially pregnant people, and patients with diabetes, thyroid, and blood pressure should avoid its unchecked use. Whenever you start using an extract of moringa, read the label and directions for the dosage to save yourself from any harsh side effects. 

Common side effects of moringa include:

For Skin Use: A short-term use of moringa extract, moringa oil, or moringa leaves powder for skin treatment is safe. Don’t use it for a longer time period without consulting your dermatologist.

For Oral Use: Eating moringa leaves, fruits, and seeds is usually safe and causes no harm. Their use as medicine is also protected when used for short periods of duration. More than six months of use of moringa products can be harmful in different aspects.

Precautions for Moringa Use

For Pregnant People: During the second and third trimester of pregnancy, moringa products can be safe to use. However, using raw roots, leaves, bark, or flowers of a moringa plant during pregnancy is not safe. Their unchecked use in pregnancy can cause uterus contraction. 

In ancient times, people used to use its bark, flowers, and leaves to cause intentional miscarriages. Therefore, it is advised to stay on the safe side and avoid its use in pregnancy.

For Children: Short-term use of moringa leaves through moth is probably safe for children. But avoid its use for more than two months consecutively.

For Breast-Feeding: Research shows that moringa leaves are safe to use for breastfeeding but up to 3 months. More than three months of use can be harmful. However, this information is not reliable. So try to avoid its use and stay on the safe side.


Moringa extracts, oils, and powder may have many health benefits. Clinical research has suggested its bark, leaves, seeds, and flowers are useful for treating and managing different health conditions ranging from hair health care to treatment of cancer. However, most of the research is performed on animals such as mice. More clinical research on humans is needed to confirm the effectiveness of moringa for different diseases or disorders.

The food and Drug Department has not completely certified the use of moringa. Therefore, you are advised to use it with the consultation of an expert healthcare provider and purchase its supplements from a trustworthy source.

Hira Shabbir

Hey, I'm Hira shabbir. An experienced content writer who is providing quality SEO content to clients, from the past 2 years. I have been a biology and English teacher from the past 20 years, which gives me an edge in providing quality content.

Hira Shabbir
Hey, I'm Hira shabbir. An experienced content writer who is providing quality SEO content to clients, from the past 2 years. I have been a biology and English teacher from the past 20 years, which gives me an edge in providing quality content.