How to Navigate a Breakup?

Breakups impact your life adversely and sometimes it is hard to recover from the painful feelings of navigating a breakup. That’s because breakups fill your life with negative emotions like— shame, guilt, anger, sadness, and sometimes stress. Breakups bring grief with a wide range of grieving emotions. Grief induces the thought of a loss in future life. But according to a famous saying, grief never gets better, it just becomes easier to cope with time. The same is the case with breakup stress. So life teaches you that everything is temporary in this world, including the pain of loss, grief, or breakup. Let’s learn “How to Navigate a Breakup?”. Remember, the breakup navigation has a close link with negative emotions and thoughts. So first of all try to understand your feelings so that you may cope with the situation.

Understanding Your Emotions

The most painful process of one’s life is surviving a relationship break-up. It would be one of the most difficult things you ever do and on an emotional level. Losing a husband/wife or a boyfriend/girlfriend can tear you out emotionally. Often people can’t survive the situation and express suicidal thoughts or want to commit self-harm. 

Navigate a Breakup
Navigate a Breakup

Relationship issues can be better understood or managed through emotional understanding. So how do you navigate a breakup? It needs counseling as most of us have never been taught coping strategies after a breakup. To get yourself well-equipped to deal with emotional heartbreak, you must read the suggestions given in this article. These tips may give you helpful strategies to navigate a breakup. Remember this handout will not lessen the pain of loss or despair, but instead will help you to move through this heart-tearing process as quickly as possible and prepare you to have a more satisfying relationship in the future. 

Acknowledging Your Feelings

Don’t ignore your feelings. A break-up is accompanied by several powerful and negative feelings including resentment, jealousy, fear, sadness, anger, confusion, and regret. Don’t fight with these negative energies because ignoring or suppressing these feelings may prolong the grieving process or may get stuck in it for years. Identifying these feelings and allowing yourselves to experience them will help you in creating healthy coping strategies. 

Navigate a Breakup
Navigate a Breakup

Navigating a breakup has various stages, including shock, anger, depression, and eventually acceptance. You may feel this sadness will last forever, but it doesn’t if we cope in some healthy ways. At the start of navigating the breakup, you may experience several conditions, including:

  • This is your first loving relationship.  
  • Your ex is your only close friend.  
  • Continuing to run towards your ex.  
  • The relationship has made you feel complete.  
  • Your ex is starting to date someone else.  
  • Thinking about your ex being sexual with another person.  
  • Believing that your ex is your only well-wisher in the world

Discussing your feelings related to breakup openly is a powerful tool to manage it. So talk to your supportive family member or a close friend. This will lessen your grief and pain. Talking with others discloses that all these feelings are normal and that surviving the situation is an easy procedure.

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Processing Grief

Writing out your thoughts about navigating a breakup can be very helpful to avoid the negativity prevailing in your life. Talking is a great tool to save your mental peace but it is a fact that you may accept that people are not always available to listen to you. In that situation writing about your feelings provides you with a comfortable feeling. It is a private sharing that makes you more relaxed. 

Another step to process your grief after a breakup is to understand that the breakup is an inevitable part of life. Many of us have dating relationships that often end in a breakup. This is a natural behavior that you can’t live with a person who is not your exact match. So navigating a breakup is usually for good reasons such as to find a more suitable person for yourself who can understand you and make a close bond with you by accepting all of your lacking. So making many relationships to find a complementary or caring partner is not a big deal.

One more thing to remember while you’re going through navigating a breakup, don’t personalize the loss. Often people start blaming themselves for the loss for far too long. It increases their pain. So avoid seeing the loss as your fault and regretting what happened. You need to see the breakup procedure as a result of incompatibilities and conflicting needs. Also, try to not blame your ex because he or she may be doing best to continue the relationship. No one makes a relationship to make it spoil to hurt the other partner. It often happens due to mismatching. 

Practical Steps for Moving Forward

Establishing Boundaries

Navigate a Breakup
Navigate a Breakup

Prioritizing your basic self-care refers to establishing boundaries that can ensure your mental peace and satisfaction. Try to fulfill your basic needs by eating at a normal routine, even if it doesn’t feel good to eat. Try to boost your feelings of hunger by making some delicious favorite dishes. Take proper sleep and take care of your rest time. Although sleeping in those sad days with a depressed mind is a hard job, it’s necessary to defeat the negative feelings. You can use some herbal medications to induce sleepy feelings to ensure a good sleep. 

Starting an exercise routine will compound your efforts to cope with breakup grief. Exercise helps to release a happy hormone, endorphin, that can make you feel relaxed and happy both physically and psychologically.

Self-Care Practices

Getting back to a routine since navigating a break-up can create a sense of chaos in your life. So try to give a caring sensation to yourself. It is not a negative act to lighten your load for a while. This means allowing yourself a break from studying or studying less than you usually would. It could also mean skipping a class if you’re struggling. Although some of these tips may sound weird, they will give you more time to adequately process your loss and grief. Prepare your mind to accept going down on your grades a bit but not judging yourself for this. Avoid indulging too hard work or tough jobs because you need a relaxation period here. It doesn’t mean that you leave your jobs or routine duties for a long time. You just need a relaxing break from responsibilities to heal yourself. After recovering from the shock. It is better to join your routine activities. This includes routines around wake-up and bedtimes, exercise, meals, work-related activities, and time with others to mention a few. So give yourself some slack because you are not able to function at full capacity for a time due to the distress you are experiencing.

After a break-up, you need to do something that makes you feel better. Indulge yourself in different activities that you enjoy, which may include: going to a movie with a friend, having a hot bath, enjoying lunch at your favorite restaurant, trying a massage, going on a short trip, taking the weekend off, taking a yoga class or reading your favorite book. 

Building a Support System

A Breakup with a loved one impacts your life drastically. Often you lose hope and feel hesitant to have faith in people or relationships. To cope with this condition you are suggested not to lose faith in people and keep searching for a person who has true feelings for you. Being hurt, you may be assured that all men or women are frauds or cheaters but it is not true. Keeping firm belief in this idea, you will lose all better opportunities that will tend to come to you in the future. Don’t close the doors of luck in you. So meet up with more people, go get together, make plans with friends, and enjoy your life. You will surely meet your soulmate one day.

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Seeking Support

Hope to reunite with your ex, is a hurdle in bringing closure to the relationship. So don’t wait for a phone call or message from your ex. Break all connections from ex and don’t beg to get back together. These practices will help you to move on and in case of running after your ex or trying to get him/her back to your life will cause intense despair and stress. That may lead to thoughts of suicidal attempts. This will impact your self-esteem and you will be known as a desperate person. The emotions; and distress of navigating a breakup will destroy your physical and mental health. You will feel yourself a misfit in your community. 

Navigate a Breakup
Navigate a Breakup

This is the time to seek support that may bring you out of this emotional distress. Never look to your ex for seeking support and never accept his/her helping hand. This may spoil your efforts to get back to normal life. You cannot make a friendship with your ex after a breakup, therefore go away from your ex. Just rely on your trustworthy companions or blood relation for emotional support.

Looking to the Future

Think positive about your future and Examine What You Can Learn From The Relationship. You can learn a lot from all the relationships which may be pleasant or sometimes painful. It’s very helpful after a relationship ends to spend some time thinking about your future and writing your experiences so that you may get lessons whenever you start a relationship with someone. Man always learns from his past mistakes. So never forget your foolishness but remember painful incidents only to gain emotional strength and visionary ideas for the selection of a new boyfriend/girlfriend. Learning tends to promote growth, while self-blaming only can hurt you. Another way to relax yourself is to make a list of all the benefits you can enjoy being single. This thought will give you a relaxing sensation. If you are not the one who navigates breakup, you will find it difficult and unrealistic but it is always worth reminding yourself that every bad situation has a good ending. Some ideas to start this technique are:

  • You are now able to fulfill your own needs first. 
  • You will enjoy the excitement of dating once again.
  • You can spend more time with your friends who have been neglected by you due to your relationship.
  • You can eat everything that you like.  
  • You can follow your routine of going to bed and getting up on your own choice.  
  • You have more time to meet with people. 
  • You may feel yourself free of criticism.   
  • You now have more time to do your academic activities.  
  • You can be as free as you want. 

Setting New Goals

You need to remind yourself after a breakup that you are the only person who cares for you. So try to develop a connection with yourself. This may be done by promoting your self-esteem you can set new goals to achieve. The achievements will ensure that you have the potential to do your best. And it is proof that you can survive on your own. Remember relationships are just part of life, don’t make them a whole life. So give new challenges to yourself like finding a desired job, getting high grades, or making good relations with your loved ones. Try to achieve these goals. You will feel enthusiastic and energetic. These positive attitudes will remove the sadness and grief of a breakup.


Getting rid of the side effects of a breakup is a hard job but it can be easy if you start dating again. Although it is difficult in reality, it will work. So try to make the right decision of moving on and find the best time to date again. Another tip to remove the grief of loss is to indulge yourself in achieving new goals. Realizing the benefits of being single may be a relaxing thought. Giving care to yourself and managing boundaries will also ensure your mental peace. Meeting with other people and discussing your emotional distress will help you to absorb your grief. Living a content life without a toxic partner is much better than living in a hurting relationship. So move on and find new opportunities to conquer the world.

Hira Shabbir

Hey, I'm Hira shabbir. An experienced content writer who is providing quality SEO content to clients, from the past 2 years. I have been a biology and English teacher from the past 20 years, which gives me an edge in providing quality content.

Hey, I'm Hira shabbir. An experienced content writer who is providing quality SEO content to clients, from the past 2 years. I have been a biology and English teacher from the past 20 years, which gives me an edge in providing quality content.