Gastroenteritis is known as Stomach Flu. This is an infection of the stomach and intestines. You may get confused by the name “flu” but it is not the same as influenza. Influenza symptoms usually involve respiratory tract problems and don’t affect the gastrointestinal tract. Stomach flu Symptoms are caused by viruses but studies also showed that certain types of parasites and bacteria are also involved in its occurrence.
Avoiding dehydration by replenishing electrolytes and lots of fluids along with certain over-the-counter medicines can help in preventing stomach flu. Some stomach flu remedies are discussed in this article so that you may know what to eat or what to avoid to cure stomach flu.
Is Stomach Flu and Food Poisoning the Same Thing?
Stomach flu and food poisoning are not the same things. But they share many of the same symptoms, including:
- Abdominal pain.
- Diarrhea.
- Fever.
- Nausea.
- Vomiting.
However, you can distinguish between the two because food poisoning comes on pretty quickly after eating contaminated food and usually it goes away within a few hours. Stomach flu or gastroenteritis can last for up to many days. Mild cases of food poisoning don’t need any medication, however, severe cases may need medical assistance. Gastroenteritis, on the other hand, may require some over-the-counter medications or home remedies to fight against the microbial invasion.
Causes of Stomach Flu
several different viruses attack your gastrointestinal system and cause stomach flu (gastroenteritis). Its Causative agent is not an influenza virus that causes seasonal flu. Certain types of bacteria also cause this problem. Its causative virus or bacteria is typically found in contaminated food and water.
The important thing to remember is that symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea are symptoms of influenza, the simple flu that is different from the stomach flu. So whenever your children experience such symptoms, talk to their pediatrician to determine the actual cause of the symptoms.
Symptoms of Stomach Flu
Common symptoms of stomach flu include:
- Abdominal pain or cramping.
- Fever.
- Vomiting.
- Diarrhea.
- Nausea.
- Loss of appetite.
- Muscle aches.
- Headache.
This is also known as stomach virus infection and its symptoms appear up to a day after stomach virus infection. Although stomach flu isn’t dangerous in most cases, it can lead to severe symptoms and need hospitalization in very old, very young, or immunocompromised patients.
Dehydration is the main symptom, so it is necessary to monitor for the symptoms of dehydration, which include:
- Sunken eyes or cheeks.
- Dry mouth and extreme thirst.
- Feeling exhausted.
- Fainting.
- Dark-colored urine.
- Decreased skin turgor.
- Urinating less than usual.
Signs of severe form of stomach virus infections include:
- Stool containing pus or blood with tarry or black color.
- Diarrhea lasts for more than one day.
- More than five stools in a day.
- Symptoms of dehydration.
- Vomiting.
- Irritability or change in mental state.
- Severe pain in the rectum or abdomen.
Home Remedies for Gastroenteritis
Home remedies for stomach flu usually tend to restore the lost fluids and water. If you experience a stomach bug, try these things to help relieve symptoms:
Rest: Sometimes you need to rest for a few days to let the illness work its course. Getting plenty of rest and sleep reduces the amount of activity you normally do during the day. During rest your body works hard to fight against infection and repair damage on the cellular level.
Heating Pad: Using heating pads helps relieve abdominal cramping.
Acupressure: This is an effective remedy to reduce nausea caused by stomach flu. Research suggests that finding pressure points by measuring the width of three fingers down from the bottom of your palm.
Pressing below that width with your thumb can help make you feel a sensitive spot between two tendons. Gentle messages will relieve the symptoms.
Over-the-counter drugs for Gastroenteritis
Stomach flu cannot be treated with medicines or antibiotics if a virus is the culprit. However, some over-the-counter drugs can help with fever or aches. These medications include:
Ibuprofen can help relieve pain but it is also hard on your kidneys to get dehydrated and cause an upset stomach. So take it with food and sparingly.
Acetaminophen: This is an effective medicine to cure stomach flu but people with liver disease cannot use it. It helps relieve aches and fever and is less likely to upset your stomach.
Antiemetic medications: These medications are effective in stopping vomiting and nausea. Ondansetron, promethazine, and metoclopramide are examples.
Antidiarrheal Medications: These medicines can help relieve diarrhea symptoms and lessen the severity of symptoms. However, these medications are not recommended for children because they contain salicylate, which can lead to Reye’s syndrome.
Non steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs: These medicines help relieve pain such as Aspirin but they have side effects like stomach ache.
Probiotics: These help in relieving the severe symptoms of watery diarrhea. You can eat yogurt to have probiotics as yogurt is a rich source of probiotics. In case of have an intolerance for dairy, choose fat-free or low-fat yogurt.
Zinc Supplements: Such supplements help reduce the duration and severity of stomach flu.
However, consult your doctor before trying home remedies or over-the-counter drugs to cure stomach flu.
Stomach Flu Remedies for Children
Getting the stomach flu is terrible but watching your child going through it is much harder than yourself. Usually, infants become the victims of this infection. It is suggested that you take children to the doctor if their symptoms have not subsided in a day or two. Doctors can guide you through the recovery phase. They can also tell you if the symptoms are due to some other causes or diseases.
The most important remedy for children is to encourage them to sip water continuously to replace the lost fluids. This may help prevent dehydration. An electrolyte solution called Pedialyte is also given to toddlers and infants to recover soon.
What to Eat or Drink to Treat Stomach Flu
Here are some things to eat or drink that can help lessen the severity of stomach flu symptoms:
Fluids: Diarrhea and vomiting cause dehydration. Encouraging drinking plenty of water, beverages, or sports drinks can help prevent dehydration. Breast milk in small quantities with small intervals should be given to infants. Toddlers can drink electrolyte solutions. Stomach flu causes loss of body fluids via vomiting, sweating, and diarrhea, therefore, it is essential to maintain the fluid level in the body.
Keeping liquids down can be easily possible by taking small sips at regular intervals. Some best fluids to drink are:
Certain Teas: Peppermint, ginger or green tea can help calm your stomach and alleviate nausea. But avoid drinking caffeinated beverages. Caffeine-free tea can help ease nausea and replenish lost fluids due to diarrhea and vomiting. Adding lemon to your tea to get some extra vitamin C can make it more useful for your digestive health. Avoid caffeinated teas. They act as diuretics and make you urinate frequently which can lead to dehydration.
Ice Chips: Trying sucking on ice chips may help you stay hydrated but these are not good for children as they can cause choking.
Clear Liquids: Drink water and soups.
Sports drinks: electrolytes can be replaced by sports drinks.
Over-the-Counter Solutions: These solutions usually called Pedialytes are the best choice for people of all ages.
Brat Diet: This diet consists of applesauce, toast, rice, and bananas. These foods are easy to digest because they contain carbohydrates and replenish nutrients. A combination of these foods makes your stool firmer and helps relieve the symptoms. Avoiding eating food if the mere thought of food makes you cringe can help you keep food down.
Bananas are a great source of potassium which is the effective replacement of nutrients lost from diarrhea and vomiting.
Rice has a large quantity of fiber and carbs. Carbs are beneficial as they can be processed easily and provide energy while fiber may produce gas.
Applesauce contains pectin which is helpful for relieving symptoms of diarrhea. The presence of sugar and carbs makes it an energy booster.
Toast is made of whole bread, thus may be difficult on the digestive system. Whale white bread can be digested easily.
Apple Cider Vinegar: It helps ease nausea and stomach aches.
Turmeric and Cinnamon: They work in combination to help relieve symptoms of gastroenteritis.
Foods good to help Recovery from Stomach Flu
Balanced and easy-to-digest foods are recommended for quick recovery from the condition. Along with such foods, ensure the intake of plenty of fluids to restore lost electrolytes and nutrients. Here’s a list of some foods that may help you recover quickly from stomach flu:
- Probiotic-rich drinks and foods.
- Popsicles.
- Clear broth.
- Low-sugar fruits such as grapefruits, apples, and blackberries.
- BRAT diet, including toast, applesauce, rice, and bananas.
- Specific Drinks that Help with Stomach Flu Symptoms
When you develop the symptoms of stomach flu, the first thing is to drink plenty of fluids to replenish lost nutrients and fluids. Here are some specific drinks that can help ease the symptoms of diseases:
- Oral rehydration solutions.
- Water.
- Probiotic drinks like buttermilk, kombucha, and kefir.
- Clear broths.
- Fruit juices with low sugar.
Foods Should be Avoided when You Have Stomach Flu
Although many foods help relieve stomach flu symptoms, some foods can worsen the condition. You Should avoid these foods, including:
Dairy products: Lactose intolerant people cannot use dairy products, as they may cause diarrhea if they have gastroenteritis. Stomach flu can make it harder for you to digest dairy products, such as cheese, butter, and milk.
Fatty Foods: These foods include nuts, and creamy foods that can be hard on your stomach even when you feel well. If you have an upset stomach, avoid these foods, as they can stimulate your digestive tract, causing loose stools.
Spicy Foods: Foods containing heavy hot spices like garlic, chili, hot sauces, or hot pepper, can worsen the symptoms of gastroenteritis and even upset your stomach. In addition, spicy foods cooked in oil are also a source of fats.
Caffeine: Caffeine has diuretic effects that cause you to urinate more and lose your body fluids resulting in dehydration. It can also cause loose stools. In this condition, when you are already dehydrated due to diarrhea and vomiting, more loss of fluids can make the situation complicated.
Fiber: Beans, fruits, and vegetables are good sources of fiber. However, fiber can aggravate loose bowls, when you have diarrhea and not eating fiber regularly. So it is recommended to stick to binding foods listed in the BRAT diet.
Alcohol: Gastritis, also known as inflammation of the stomach lining is caused by consuming alcohol. Alcohol also stimulates the production of gastric acid in your stomach, which can cause uneasiness.
Sugar: Sugary foods cause higher levels of blood sugar. Sometimes, excess use of sugar also causes nausea. Sugary foods also tend to aggravate the symptoms.
Soda: Caffeinated or non-caffeinated, both tops of soda can upset your stomach, as they act as diuretics and irritate your digestive tract. Carbonation in sodas causes you to feel belch, which may lead to nausea.
Acidic Foods: Tomatoes, pineapples, citrus juices, and citrus fruits like orange and grapefruit have a lot of acid that tends to irritate your stomach by causing acid flux.
Processed Foods: These foods are rich in preservatives, artificial coloring, sugar, and fat, making them cause diarrhea and upset stomach.
Gluten: This is a popular type of protein, found in grains like wheat, oats, and barley. All people cannot use gluten, as some are sensitive to this protein. It can cause bloating, diarrhea, and stomach pain. So it’s best to avoid its use if you have gastroenteritis.
Artificial Sweeteners: Sorbitol is a sweetener that causes digestive problems, even in healthy people. Sugarless gums and diet foods usually contain this sweetener that can cause diarrhea, bloating, and gas.
Taking extra precautions, when the stomach flu is going around, can help you protect yourself from developing the symptoms. Washing your hands frequently and avoiding close contact with people are some precautions that can help you. However, if you develop the symptoms, follow a specific diet and take prescribed medications. So that you may recover soon.
Make sure that your dietary needs are met while avoiding triggering foods. Avoid food that can worsen the condition. In case of persistent severity of symptoms, get immediate medical help.