8 Ways to Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Teeth are one the most attractive and sensitive parts of your body. They are affected by your oral hygiene and eating habits. Careless eating behavior or poor hygiene can damage the most sensitive part of the body. Your oral health is one of the primary symbols of your overall health. Your oral health indicates your internal organ health condition. Teeth need a lifetime care. Even if you’ve beautiful teeth, it’s crucial to take care of them and prevent problems. To achieve clean, beautiful, and attractive teeth with the best oral health, you must get the right oral care products and be mindful of your everyday practices related to oral hygiene to keep your teeth healthy.

A leading think tank studied oral health development comprehensively and devised a formula to track your oral health to keep your teeth healthy. The study revealed that 95% of people in the country are indulged in tooth decay. The main causes described by the leading think tank in 2023 are smoking and excessive use of alcoholic beverages. As your poor oral health leads you to some serious diseases like diabetes, stroke, heart problems, and Alzheimer’s disease. So always focus on the factors that can contribute to your oral health. 

Good oral health demands regular brushing and flossing but the idea that brushing and flossing alone can guarantee your perfect oral hygiene and keep your teeth healthy is incorrect because most people don’t know the proper way or technique of brushing and flossing. To keep your teeth healthy or attain dental health you must follow these eleven-

Brushing Techniques

Keep your teeth healthy
Keep your teeth healthy 

Brushing teeth is important but the way you brush is a technique. Improper brushing will cause damage to your teeth and gums. Poor brushing techniques affect your teeth as badly as not brushing at all. Properly brush your teeth to get the best results. Move your brush in a circular motion gently to remove plaque. If not removed properly, the plaque becomes harder and leads to calculus buildup with early gum disease known as gingivitis.

The primary step to clean your teeth is brushing twice a day. You can achieve your goal of improving oral health by brushing after every meal but often people find it impractical and time-consuming. So the best way recommended by professional dentists is brushing your mouth every morning and evening. According to a survey, nearly 50% of adults in the country brush their teeth twice a day but still 80% of adults are living with dental problems. 

The report has concluded that the main reason for a large number of people with oral problems is the incorrect way of brushing. This drastic difference tells you that you should pay attention to the brushing technique. So let’s start!

Choosing the Right Toothbrush: Start it with a selection of high-quality brush with small heads and soft bristles made of nylon. This may help you avoid any gum damage. A small head brush is good for cleaning the internal sides of teeth and covering your entire mouth. 

Brush your teeth by placing your brush at a 45-degree angle against your teeth. Back-and-forth movements of the brush help to clean your gums and teeth while up-and-down short strokes are effective for the cleansing of the inner sides of teeth. Don’t press brush too hard on gums and teeth and try to brush in smaller sections.

Keep your brush tilted in a vertical position to clean the inner surfaces of your teeth. During the brushing process, remember your cheeks and tongue. Brush these areas so that bacteria may be removed from these areas. At the end, rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water but not too warm.

Brushing the teeth will remove bacteria and food residue from your teeth and gums. So brush for sufficient time, may be 4-5 minutes. Dentists recommend that the brush can be changed from 2 to three months to ensure no broken bristles.

In case of having a flu or viral infection, replace your old brush with a new one after recovery. This is essential to avoid reinsertion of microbes.

Choosing the Right Toothpaste: Now comes to the selection of toothpaste. It is a common practice to choose a toothpaste for its flavor or power of whitening effects. But the recommendations direct that no matter which flavor or whitening power you choose, your toothpaste must have fluoride. 

Fluoride has a special role in oral health. It comes under scrutiny by those who want to know how it impacts other areas of health. Fluoride is best for oral hygiene and to clean your teeth because it is a strong defense against tooth decay. It fights against those germs that are responsible for tooth decay. It provides a protective layer for your teeth enamel.

Also Read:https://onlinehealthpoint.com/lip-care-routine-get-your-perfect-lips-with-these-tips/

Flossing Tips

Next is another important step to keep your teeth healthy. Yes, it is flossing. Brushing can remove bacteria from the surface of your teeth, gums, tongue, or cheek but it can’t remove them from the areas between teeth. Here the flossing works for the cleaning procedure. Flossing once a day removes bacteria or food residue from the areas between teeth. 

Keep your teeth healthy
Keep your teeth healthy

Correct Flossing Technique: How to floss correctly:? Wrap a 17-inch floss ribbon around the fingers of both hands, leaving a few inches for flossing. Now start cleaning the area around each tooth by flossing. Move the flossing string up-and-down and back-and-forth. These movements can be made with the help of your index fingers and thumbs.

Your gums can also be cleaned through flossing. But the thing to remember, while cleaning a new area, you must use a new section of floss. This practice will remove bacteria from the areas between your teeth and ensure blocking the reinsertion of microbes in your gums or teeth.

Consider Mouthwash

Many of us don’t know the actual action of mouthwash and often skip it. A famous dentist Schwan has claimed that mouthwash helps to maintain oral hygiene in three forms:

  • Mouthwash helps to reduce the amount of acid produced in the mouth through salivary glands.
  • It works effectively for cleaning the hard-to-brush areas around the gums and teeth.
  • It is the best source to remineralize your teeth.
Keep your teeth healthy
Keep your teeth healthy

These are the adjunct tools to keep your teeth healthy because they work to bring things in balance by neutralizing the mouth’s acidic environment. Especially for old people and children, mouthwash is an ideal way to clean their mouth and maintain their oral hygiene as brushing and flossing are not suitable for them. 

Mouthwash is good for oral health but don’t use any mouthwash by your own choice. Always ask your dentist to recommend specific mouthwash for you. Mouthwashes are available in different ranges, some are for sensitive teeth, some are for normal teeth, and some are good for children. You can also find prescribed mouthwash.

Rinse Your Mouth After Every Meal

After eating, the most important thing to do is rinse the mouth thoroughly. Rinsing the mouth with fresh water will remove the food residue stuck in your mouth. If not removed properly, this stuck residue may cause dental decay due to its acidic nature. Water is a great tool to neutralize acidity.

If you are a foodie person and like to eat sweet or acidic food, you should rinse your mouth with mouthwash that contains chlorine dioxide. This compound is best for removing acidity and bad oral odor with deep cleaning of teeth and gums.

 Don’t Neglect Your Tongue

Plaque on the tongue is the main cause of bad breath. It can also cause dental decay. Improper brushing and neglecting cleanliness of the tongue causes plaque on your tongue. So always brush your tongue while brushing your teeth.

Read More: https://onlinehealthpoint.com/12-creative-ways-to-use-old-coffee-grounds/

Healthy Diet for Dental Health

Calcium and phosphorus are the main elements used in the formulation of teeth. As common knowledge, you also know that Vitamin C is essential for the growth and strength of teeth. So ensure an adequate supply of calcium to your teeth by adding canned salmon, almonds, beans, lentils, yogurt, green vegetables, and low-fat milk into your diet.

Keep your teeth healthy
Keep your teeth healthy

Consume more lean meat, eggs, nuts, and dairy products to ensure an adequate supply of phosphorus to your teeth and gums. You can eat spinach, broccoli, citrus fruits, and potatoes to fulfill the demand for vitamin C for your oral health. Take a balanced diet with all these nutrients. 

Hydration and Oral Health

Adequate water supply is essential for maintaining your overall health. The same is the case with oral health. Drinking more water is an effective tool to enhance your oral hygiene. Fluoride is nature’s gift for you. It helps in maintaining oral health. So drink fluoridated water in enough quantity to prevent cavities as it is called a” cavity fighter”. According to a recent survey, the government is supplying fluoridated water to Northern areas. So drink your tap water, it will enhance your dental strength. 

You should drink plenty of water to keep your dry mouth at bay. Excess quantity of water ensures the production of saliva in your mouth, which keeps your mouth moisturized all the time and removes dryness. Saliva helps to fight cavities and keep your teeth healthy.

Avoid Unhealthy Foods for Oral Health

As you need a balanced diet for oral health, you should also pay attention to the list of things that are dangerous for your teeth and gum health. Consumption of specific foods is hazardous for oral health so learn to say no to such food products. Avoid carbonated drinks because they have compounds that damage your teeth.

Secondly, alcohol has a bad effect on your teeth. It reduces the production of saliva. Sticky candies or bubbles also damage your teeth. Limiting the consumption of sugary food will reduce tooth decay.

Avoiding Bad Oral Habits

Tobacco products in every form are hazardous for your overall health as well as for oral health. You should say goodbye to such habits. Because chewing or smoking tobacco products can cause stains on your teeth. Tobacco causes small holes or pockets in your teeth, which are favorable places for bacterial growth. In addition to gum disease, tobacco also badly impacts your dental treatments and makes them less effective.Such products also affect your immune system adversely and create many health issues. It contributes to building plaque on your teeth. Continuous smoking or chewing tobacco products may lead to oral cancer.

Teeth Whitening Options and Considerations

Teeth whitening is an effective way to bring back the original color of teeth for people who have pale or stained teeth. Some people like to use whitening substances frequently, and that becomes detrimental in the long run.

Teeth whitening chemicals contain substances that lead to the erosion of the enamel. It can cause gum irritation and also increase the sensitivity of the tooth. Excessive use of peroxide-based whitening options may leave you with translucent teeth, more so than white ones but  It can make your teeth discolored, especially at the edges.

Importance of Regular Dental Check-ups

Regular dental check-ups ensure good oral health. You must see your dentist at least once in every six months to keep your teeth healthy. Your dentist will examine your teeth and provide you with professional teeth cleaning services. The dentist checks your teeth, gums, and other parts of your mouth, and tries to find any swelling or soreness in your mouth. In case of any dental issue or teeth problem, he provides you with the necessary dental treatments. You can trace any early signs of dental or other health issues by visiting your doctor at least twice a year.


Good oral health ensures your overall health. Cleaned, bright, and flawless teeth and gums give you the confidence to interact with people. You can enjoy your favorite edibles with healthy teeth. Moreover, oral hygiene saves you from dental issues that can affect your overall health. Good hygienic practices, good oral habits, a balanced diet, and regular visits to your dentist will ensure your excellent oral health.

Hira Shabbir

Hey, I'm Hira shabbir. An experienced content writer who is providing quality SEO content to clients, from the past 2 years. I have been a biology and English teacher from the past 20 years, which gives me an edge in providing quality content.

Hey, I'm Hira shabbir. An experienced content writer who is providing quality SEO content to clients, from the past 2 years. I have been a biology and English teacher from the past 20 years, which gives me an edge in providing quality content.