13 Probiotic Foods That are Super Healthy

The complex ecosystem of bacteria found in your gut is probiotics. It consists of different types of viruses, fungi, and other microorganisms. Together they play an important role in maintaining the well-being of your entire body and also benefit your gut health. All systems of your body are influenced by this microbiome, from your immune system to the digestion of food. That’s why eating Probiotic Foods can help maintain a god health.

Probiotics are the microorganisms, which help keep your gut’s flora in balance. Eating a wholesome diet naturally full of probiotic foods, is the best way to get your fill of them. However, sometimes people prefer to take probiotic supplements, but it’s not as effective. Keep on reading to find out why probiotics are important for your health and what foods you can add to your diet without relying on supplements.

What are Probiotics?

In simple words, probiotics are the live bacteria and yeast that live in your body naturally, and if present in the right amounts, benefit your overall health by fighting against other pathogenic microorganisms like germs. Two major genesis of probiotics are:

  • Lactobacillus.
  • Bifidobacterium.

You may have heard about these two geneses encompassing a wide variety of strains, including L. casei, Bifidobacterium breve, L. acidophilus, Bifidobacterium longum, and more.

These live microorganisms, live in your gastrointestinal tract, consisting of the stomach, intestine, and colon. They work together to improve the balance of natural intestinal flora which leads to improved general immune health and healthy digestion. They help improve mental health and treat several intestinal disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome and other infections. Gut health is of great importance in maintaining your overall health because it is the second brain in your body, influencing everything from anxiety to mood swings.

Probiotics are naturally found in many foods. Eating foods that contain the greatest amount of different probiotic strains can increase the natural probiotics in your gut. Research suggests that probiotics are the natural elements that provide an effective way to prevent many diseases and help live in harmony with your microbiome through their consumption, accompanied by large-scale health benefits.

General Benefits associated with Eating Probiotics

Eating probiotics can:

  • Increase the ability to fight infections by strengthening your immune system.
  • Increase the number of helpful bacteria lost due to poor diet, antibiotics, and illness.
  • Decrease inflammation and protect against chronic diseases and allergies.
  • Help the body to absorb minerals and produce vitamins.
  • Improve bowel movements by decreasing bacteria that cause diarrhea and adding bulk.
  • Reduce harmful bacteria by creating an acidic environment.

Risks Linked with Probiotics

Certain risks are also associated with Probiotics, such as:

Excess of probiotics causes intolerance for certain types of foods, especially in children. Therefore, it is suggested to start with small servings of probiotic-containing foods and increase them gradually. Increased intake of probiotics leads to increased bloating, mild cramping, and gas, especially in people who already have bowel and stomach symptoms.

It is best to talk to your healthcare provider to have guidance on how much or how often you should take probiotics.

Foods Rich in Probiotics

Fermented foods, mainly, contain probiotics. Fermentation procedures help live good bacteria to multiply and enrich the food with live organisms. Yogurt is probably the most widely consumed fermented food. However, other fermented foods rich in probiotics include kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, miso, buttermilk, and many more. Always try to use fermented foods with live cultures or active probiotics because they are rich in beneficial live microorganisms essential for balancing your health.

The Best Probiotic Foods for a Healthy Gut Microbiome


Yogurt is an easily available probiotic-rich food that is fermented through milk. It is the most popular source of probiotics, containing Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus to balance intestinal flora and promote digestion. Natural yogurt without added sugars or artificial additives can give you maximum benefits. Greek yogurt is the richest probiotic which has a great reservoir of milk enzymes and protein.


This fermented beverage is similar to yogurt and derived from milk. However, its non-dairy versions are made of coconut. Kefir is rich in a variety of bacterial strains and yeasts which makes it an amazing source of probiotics. Its benefits include the promotion of a strong immune system and a reduction in bloating. It is also good for bone health due to its higher concentration of calcium.


In Eastern Europe, Kvass is known as a powerful fermented beverage, which is traditionally made by fermenting barley or rye. However, in recent years, it has been prepared with the help of bets and probiotic fruits, including other tarot vegetables like carrots. Kvass is thought to be beneficial for its liver and blood-cleansing properties, along with its mild sour flavor.

Raw Cheese

Cow’s soft cheeses made up of sheep’s milk and Goat’s milk are particularly high in probiotics. The raw cheese contains acidophilus, Bifidus, thermophilus, and bulgaricus. Therefore, it is suggested to use unpasteurized and raw cheese to receive more probiotics. Processed and pasteurized varieties of cheese lack beneficial bacteria.

The healthiest cheeses are considered the best probiotic foods. Thus you can try:

  • Aged cheeses, like edam, gruyere, raw cheddar, swiss, and gouda.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Labneh.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a popular blood-sugar balancing condiment but it is also rich in probiotics. This is fermented through acetic acid with the help of AAB bacteria. These bacteria are beneficial for maintaining your gut health. Organic and unpasteurized apple cider vinegar is good for promoting the growth of healthy bacteria and improving digestion. It can also help balance pH levels in your body, contributing to a healthier microbiota.


This is a traditional Korean recipe fermented through vegetables that are seasoned with different spices like ginger, garlic, and chili. Usually, this dish is made of seasoned cabbage. Through the fermentation process, lactobacillus bacteria enrich kimchi with probiotics. Along with probiotics, this food is also a great source of minerals and vitamins that make it more useful for improving digestion and boosting immunity. Lactic acid bacteria also add digestive benefits to it.

Sourdough Bread

With the help of lactic acid bacteria and wild yeast, sourdough bread is prepared that is easier to digest as compared to conventional bread. This is made through a natural fermentation process, in which the breakdown of gluten promotes gut health and enhances nutrient absorption. You can enjoy sourdough bread as sandwiches, toast along with salads and soups.


Yeast and beneficial bacteria work together to ferment the tea-based beverage, kombucha. Its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties also help boost its probiotic ingredients. This beverage is rich in a variety of bacterial strains beneficial for gut health because its fermentation is done with a “SCOBY” i.e. symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast. Kombucha is a popular fermented drink used in many parts of the world, especially in Asia. It is usually used as green or black tea.

Research suggests that kombucha has many beneficial effects on health, including reducing the risks of diabetes, cancer, and other diseases. However, more clinical evidence is needed to confirm these health benefits. Presence of bacteria and yeast in its fermentation process ensures its health benefits related to its probiotic properties.


This is a staple in Japanese cuisine, made of fermented soybean paste. A fungus Aspergillus oryzae is used in the fermentation process of miso. It is rich in probiotics and helps strengthen your immune system, support digestion, and improve your gut flora. Most vegan or vegetarian diets include miso as a powerful source of B12, protein, minerals, and probiotics. It is traditionally made with seasoning of soybeans with a fungus called koji and salty. Some other ingredients can also be mixed with soybeans such as rye, rice, and barley. Miso soup is a popular breakfast in Japan and is salty in taste. It is found in different varieties including brown, red, yellow, and white. 

Studies show that miso is a rich source of plant compounds like fibers, vitamin K, copper, and manganese. It is considered an effective source to get protection against high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, obesity, and cancer. 


This is another popular type of fermented soybean food. It is different from miso but similar to tofu. Originally, it belonged to Indonesia but now has become popular worldwide due to its high protein meat substitute. The growth of probiotic bacteria in tempeh is promoted through fermentation prices. It contributes to the imbalance of a healthy microbiota in your gut and helps improve digestion. It is rich in plant protein, calcium, and iron, which makes it an ideal probiotic food for those who are on a plant-based diet. Its flavor is similar to mushroom, earthy, and nutty.

Its nutritional profile is affected by the fermentation process to a great extent. Soybeans are high in phytic acid, which is a plant compound, best for impaired absorption of minerals like zinc and iron. The fermentation process lowers the concentration of phytic acid, which increases the amount of minerals that are absorbed by your body. 

Research confirmed that the fermentation process produces vitamin B12 which is not found in soybeans.


This sticky probiotic food is made from soybeans fermented with the bacterium Bacillus subtilis. Natto is a popular traditional Japanese food, rich in probiotic content and vitamin K2. It helps promote digestion and boost your cardiovascular and bone health. Its natural protein and beneficial enzyme content also make it the best choice for those who are on a special diet.


Different types of vegetables or parts of vegetables preserved in a solution of salt and water are known as pickles. They are left in salt solution to ferment for some time, using the naturally present lactic acid bacteria. Pickled vegetables are a healthy source of probiotic bacteria which promote digestion. They are rich in vitamin K which is the most needed nutrient for blood clotting and also low in calories. 

Studies show that pickles are high in sodium, which is an additional property. However, avoid eating pickles made with vinegar because they lack probiotics.

Traditional Buttermilk

This is a popular fermented dairy drink that is found in two types; cultured buttermilk and traditional buttermilk. Whereas the latter one is simply a leftover liquid from making butter. This version is rich in probiotics. This drink is popular in Pakistan, India, and Nepal. While the former is commonly used in the American States and slack probiotics. 

Studies suggested that buttermilk is low in calories and fat but it is high in minerals and vitamins, such as:

  • Phosphorus.
  • Calcium.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Vitamin B12

How to Incorporate Probiotics into Your Diet?

Incorporating probiotic-rich foods into your diet is an effective way to boost your gut microbiome and improve your overall health. It is an easy task because you can add a few servings of probiotic foods to your regular diet.

  • At the initial stage, you can make a few simple swamps in the foods you eat. For example, switch out soda, energy drinks, and juices for fermented beverages like kombucha.
  • Replace your regular yogurt with probiotic yogurt and substitute raw milk or cheese in place of regular milk products or cheese.
  • Add the best probiotic ingredients to your favorite recipes which also can add extra flavor and variety to your weekly rotation.
  • Tempeh is a good choice as a main meatless dish, sauerkraut can be used as a savory spread, and apple cider vinegar will be a great addition to your vinaigrettes and salad dressings.

Regardless of ways to incorporate these natural probiotic foods into your regular diet, the main trick is to get creative and try to experiment with new ingredients to make delicious and healthy meals.


Many healthy probiotic foods are easily available that can help you boost your gut health and microbiota. These dietary options include pickled vegetables, fermented soybeans, raw dairy products, and fermented beverages. Many of them are mentioned in this article for your convenience. However, if you don’t like to try any of these probiotic foods, you may take a probiotic supplement. But be careful while using such supplements and check with a healthcare professional before taking them. It is confirmed through several studies that probiotics, whether in the form of food supplements, have powerful impacts on your overall health.

Hira Shabbir

Hey, I'm Hira shabbir. An experienced content writer who is providing quality SEO content to clients, from the past 2 years. I have been a biology and English teacher from the past 20 years, which gives me an edge in providing quality content.

Hira Shabbir
Hey, I'm Hira shabbir. An experienced content writer who is providing quality SEO content to clients, from the past 2 years. I have been a biology and English teacher from the past 20 years, which gives me an edge in providing quality content.